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Floresia: Out of the Shadows

Princess Floresia, in her garden state, sits grooming her belly fur, aware of being observed. Not only by the advancing predatory humans, clambering with their dragon-claw necklaces to the top of the food chain, but visible also to the anthropological tourist.

Aware too of a hidden destiny hovering, a guiding spirit rooting for her as the evolutionary underdog.

Her human species has lived a million years in peace and safety on a remote island.

With nowhere to flee from the long-feared El, how she and her people face the danger and live to tell the tale?

Floresia, self-styled princess of the primeval forest, emerges out of the shadows of a forgotten history to chronicle the last days of her people. This half-size human, Homo floresiensis, thrived on the Indonesian island of Flores until fifty thousand years ago, and the invasion of the El, Homo sapiens.

The way Floresia saw it, we are all part of Earth’s creation. Why not coexist, with enough for all?

Yet, it stands to reason: an island under novel human pressure quickly runs out of space.

How to continue, when the pygmy elephant is driven into mud, the giant stork fallen to one-way arrows?

Undeterred by losses to the resident Komodo dragons, the warchief Fexis is bent on conquest. But a chance meeting of a wounded El warrior, Crowman, leads Floresia to a quest for connection, a dream of impossible love, and a last desperate hope for survival.

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Book Categories: fiction.