Check out Nowick's latest posts on Substack: New World Dreaming.
Against the new world order, the new abnormal and its antisocial distance, stands the ancient ritual practice, the oracle of haiku. Condensing truth, with the lies pared away, each sculpture stands naked to the world.
Carving existence out of space, form caught dancing in the void, we honor our spirit, our memories, our bodies and hearts, our souls of connection to the earth and those who came before. These runes we dedicate to our elders and children and the family of life, watching, waiting.
–after Dahr Jamail
Who’s responsible?
the world-wracking mess we’re in
Is it the bad guys?
Is it you, or me?
If I had a haiku I’d
name us all, breathing
Listening for more…
Maybe we’re responsible
one poem at a time
Book Categories: poetry.