Being Human: The Dualist Dilemma Being human is a dualistic state of being: both present, and absent. Being present is possible at times, or even as a lifelong ambition. You could say that when we start by being alive, we are always present. In our animal nature, when awake we…
Field of Dreams
Forgive me for writing about baseball. Or rather, using baseball as a symbol and symptom of our condition. Walking along a summer lane, savoring the highlights of a recent upset victory over the Evil Empire, the Damn Yankees. If only the metaphor were confined to the game itself… Maybe it…
News Breaking
It’s a deconstruction project, both sides of the battle. The powers that would be forever, busy tearing down all that went before, to pave the way for their grand illusion. The dreamers of truth, who know the face of tyranny firsthand now, and witness its collapse, one lie at…
Pushing Up Daisies
‘Nowadays we perceive reality primarily in terms of information. As a consequence, there is rarely a tangible contact with reality. Reality is robbed of its presence. We no longer perceive its physical vibrations. The layer of information, which covers objects like a membrane, shields the perception of intensities. Perception,…