Check out Nowick's latest posts on Substack: New World Dreaming.
Wise and humorous sensemaking in a mad world, grounded in wild nature, sustainable culture and free spirit.
Not confined to party or tribe, metapolitics speaks to our deeper human nature, empowered by our spiritual essence in wild nature.
Facing an accelerating war on humanity, we break free of the narrative box of the old paradigm, and reject hierarchical power, for the sake of our sovereign human future.
These collected essays first appeared online in The New Agora (2020-21).
Nature: Beyond Politics
i. Myths of Human Nature
ii. The Suspension of Politics as Usual
iii. Out of the Narrative Box
Culture: Politics About Politics
i. Collective Sense-Making
ii. Constructive Anarchism
iii. Art and Politics
Spirit: The Nonpartisan Witness
i. From Denial to Acknowledgment
ii. From Naming to Owning
iii. Conscious Evolution
Practicing Our Human Future
Coronavirus Journal
Metapolitical Cafe
An empowering deep dive for free thinkers, righteous rebels, and awaking activists, Metapolitical shapes visions of our creative sovereignty.
Beyond the old paradigm of false narratives and party politics, we walk in natural law of nature, culture, spirit.
What is stopping us from practicing our human future now?
Order Metapolitical now from Amazon.
alternative social movement, cultural and biological evolution, libertarian philosophers, sovereignty solution, radical wisdom, current events, anarchism, free thinkers, panarchy, freedom, manifestoes, essays, counterculture, nature lovers
Further reading: “What is Metapolitical?”
Book Categories: creative nonfiction.