
The Invisible Center

We need to stop repeating the same arguments.

We are witnessing a hypergrowth equally of dark and light forces.

This is a battle to the death, between global fascism and a free humanity.

The New Global Fascism (alias New World Order, Great Reset, or GloboCap) relies on the unholy trinity of propaganda, censorship, and surveillance. Though the word “fascism” has become devalued with overuse, its original meaning applies more than ever in the Covid/Reset coup: “Fascism… is a merger of state and corporate power” (Mussolini).

The allies of global governance (under what is more cosmetically branded “The Great Reset”) are glaringly apparent: big governments and corporations (with major players in Banking, Pharma, Tech, and Media). That dark alliance projects an era of “full-spectrum dominance” (as the US military prefers to brand it), enabled by big data and nanotechnology, a ubiquitous network of 5G connection, and mass vaccination containing genetic modification, smart biogel, and nanotechnology, to effectively interface with the bodies, minds and emotions of everyone on earth, 24/7, inside and out.

How “a free humanity” is configured is yet to be determined. Its precursors are legion: street protests, truth tellers, independent media, natural health advocates, artists, spiritual warriors, soccer moms… Yes, really. They can beat on pots and pans in the streets of Denmark too. People wanting to just say no, to whatever. We can find out how we want to live our lives, by living them, for once, instead of being told how to live them… like, forever. Now is the time to just do it, get on with it… whatever it is that moves you, in the service of your life and your truth, and your common humanity.

At the core of this war is a battle for truth, and narrative belief. First comes our truth—each for each, and an open forum to chat and compare. To grow as a species free from our enslaved control by this psychopathic, eternally warmongering cabal. Our truth does not need to be lined up with the truth delivered from those who would place themselves above to dictate what is true and prescribe what is allowed. But to stand for our truth takes the courage of each and all, so we do not comply, but tell that bad actor to go work it out in some wasteland, rather than turning our garden into one.

Like, grow up. That applies to us as well as them. At our current crossroads of crisis, it requires our awakening to action, to deactivate the program set to destroy us.

If they won’t grow out of their dangerous fixations, it is up to us to take charge. Who will be the real adults in this room: those advocating for the human children, or those suffocating them under our watch?

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Our Metapolitical Toolbox

magic, synchronicity, art, consciousness, morphological field, hundredth monkey, fractal, hologram, divine intervention, benevolent ETs, Nature, humanity, Oneness vs. the 1%, quantum leap, #FTGR (#fuckthegreatreset)…

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The War Comes Home

How to know if you’re being heard: Twitter bans you.

Now we in the West, in the First World, we the privileged and pampered, now we get to taste the yoke of oppression, the curse of the colonized.

Now it is our culture that is being eradicated, before our eyes.

Now it is our language that has been silenced, the clamp ever tighter.

Now we face the fate of the prisoner, the indigenous, the victim of war, the masked and manacled slave.

And, comedy of tragedy, we submit to this hijacking of our humanity and freedom, willingly.

Because, in truth, the colonization has already been completed in the trauma of our birth, the programming of our compulsory education, the brainwashing by our insidious media and entertainment, the toxic effects of lifelong lifeless bread and soulless circuses.

Our political power, from the outset a fiction, has evaporated into the smoke of a burned illusion.

Our supposed wealth, diverted into digital dependence.

Our earthly waters, lands and atmosphere, all poisoned beyond our capacity to repair. That rebirthing must be left now to Gaia’s own time, her slow revenge, her eons-long reset.

The resilient human spirit takes its refuge—like the marginalized Tibetan, the genocided Native American, the denatured Aborigine—in our secret rites, our tender care of self and loved ones, our strength of knowing.

Of worldly outcome we have no surety. So, and still, we breathe, we tend our garden, our hearts.

We give expression to music, dance and song, to imagery and words, to paint who we really are.

We show up, despite the war, the endless war, the rape and pillage that has come to our door. We show up for love, and art, and nature, and living spirit.

We witness for life, taking shelter in the company of our tribe, grieving the death of our way of life, bleached and abandoned, scattered like the bones of so many conquered and vanquished before us.

We witness for seeing the way things are. Even as the mystery remains, of why it came to this, why we were not strong enough to defend, why they had to do this to us, why they who come of life can be so parasitic and destructive. It seems such a contradiction, yet here it is.

The war has come home. It has come to us now.

So let’s get real, to witness and testify:

  • It’s about the vaccine, the almighty pharmadollar.
  • It’s about the hijacking of the whole global economy.
  • It’s about the full-spectrum dominance of planet Earth.
  • It’s about the hijacking of the human genome, our very nature.

For whose benefit? That’s a worthy conjecture.

Not ours, that much is clear. For now we can only say, “We’re not the sick ones—as long as we can breathe freely.”

Thou Shalt Reconnect

In a time of unprecedented social lockdowns and upheavals, the legitimacy of our governing authorities, which have stepped beyond threat to engage in real-time imposition of their coercion over natural human rights, must be reexamined. Frank Seeburger draws for us clearly the bottom line: “Real politics, the building of a human home, can only happen outside—and in continual, unruly revolt against—everything that passes for ‘politics as usual’ in all governed places.”

As the fascist vice tightens with mask rules and censorship, masses of oppressed people gather in opposition. Amid hourly updates on the AI takeover of the planet and humanity, I type away letter by letter like ancient cuneiform, tabulating the abuses of body and spirit. I play the ancient airs, the mournful scales of the mystics. I mourn the death of sense, of science, of civility, of civil society and discourse. Winter is coming. We are pawns in this virtual game of thrones, groomed for the grim harvest.

What else can come of this collective madness, this failure of the human spirit to defend its own humanity?

Have they already won?

Youth is hijacked, manhood and womanhood outlawed, humanity’s  obsolescence underway. This is all madness, with the most suffering yet to come. It is all a warmup for enslavement, even extinction.

Are we living out, in these very days, the doom of humanity, of nature, of all that is sacred?

In an interview with Brian Rose, David Icke revealed The Answer to our predicament: “Just say no.”

We dream on, hoping to reconnect. As COVID casualties include lost friendships over competing narratives, worldviews, belief systems, and agendas, the real reset needs to happen in relationships. We need to remember the way it was before, and restore face-to-face communication. We need to update and ask each other in unity, what do we want in life?

We are all jurors in this trial of truth. Therefore our duty is to examine the evidence, then gauge what feels true.

We know in our hearts that Sacred will not submit. While we may fail in our flawed embodiments, our clumsy or clever efforts to tame happiness, Spirit rides on, unconcerned.

This all will pass, even under Gaia’s watch. For she is not directive, prescriptive or blind. She witnesses us, her children, in our innocent play, whether mean or gentle, with kindness and compassion.

She abides.

Winter is coming, testing our endurance… then another spring, rewarding.

As the pages of the tale unfold, more and more light shows through.

Further reading: Metapolitical Cafe

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